ever since the last post, ever day has been excruciatingly slow. everynight my trip to the edit room, would either result in a power breakdown,memory problem, or non availability of the bloody hd-dv recorder (the only one in a.p) etc etc.
it was only yesterday that my editing got back to speed and with that session, i finished editing all the crucial talkie protions in my film. thats 31 min so far and i have another 60-75 min to do...mind you this is only a rough cut for the dub, the final editing will take longer. anyways....
the question you probably want answered is was i happy with the results, yes i am, very happy...i think i have, or i will manage to get a few people to shed a tear or two. very happy.....but also at the same time, i know taking the movie further chosively will be a major task.....i have a mountain to climb still, i was only setting the groundwork so far....the next scnenes that follow are a little abstract,open for interpration,dont rely on dialogue etc etc....so it has to be cut perfectly to commentary....at the same time the story needs to progress...hmmm...i think this task ahead is too overwhelming for me to feel good about myself right now....
ciao..off to work today evening...
you know what i was waiting for the pic to upload and i just got a call from the editing room...the work is post-poned to tomorrow morning at 9. sigh...what do i do man....have to take what comes my way, since i am getting a lot of credit from the studio...
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