like i mentioned in my previous post, i was going to meet my main lead actor today. before i continue i must mention,this has been an eventful day. a lot of things have come around very well.
most importantly my own internal debate which i started myself today morning, and then later with my 1st AD and now with my main lead actor.
wait a minute, let me be a little more clear before i proceed.
i have had an internal debate for a while now about the need to make PROJECT TC. yes i have no doubt now in my mind that it must be made. while i am not completely sure about how my mentor feels about the, the couple of people who are in on the project strongly support my desire to make this film.
am i just being vengful for every bad experience i have had. maybe or maybe not, but cannot be denied is that this film must be made. and that is enough to motivate me towards the greater good of making this film.
now coming back to my actor. at this point it wont be smart for me to detail too much, but he is someone i have come to know and like over a period of time and i have always thought of him for this role. luckily for me, he matches my vibe. he is among all of us on the team, the guy who will stand to loose the most if the movie is a sensation (which i know it will be).
readers probably are wondering, what the hell is this bugger even talking about, isnt he going around circles and not taking us anywhere.
yes i am. for my own safety and the projects.
until later.
my best wishes are with me. cheerio.;
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