follow me into my abyss of dreams n views
make me an object of observation
make me a song but i wont rhyme for sure
im might sound numb but guess am just ok
ride me to the dawn and let me loose
i wanna confess i wanna let go
laugh with me n let me cry when i want to
i wanna confess... tryin to express
let me change into something more comfortable
the day will be long n tiring u better now
play around with ur vision and
capture what may really seem insignificant.
music and lyrics by KRIS
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The Music of 'COF'

i got sunlit clouds shinin on my head
as i walk on the road to nowhere
lookin at the world dat turned me down
as i contemplate my views on 'the man'
i gotmy reasons so clear to me
but i wnt push u to understand
look at the world thru the 'eye'
they made it look so obscene now
pieces of my mind scattered everywhere
gotta pick em up b4 i lose my stand
a fever, a dervish to make my day
a better place dan yesterday
i throw a pebble at the darkwithout no hope
n i laugh at the reasons dey throw me back
i got nuthin to lose n a lot i can give
closer to nowhere n dats where i am..
lyrics and music by KRIS.
yes this is the biggest decision i have made so far. i am going to get some original music done for COF. there will be some covers too, but i really want to stay away from stuff people have too many associations with... yep, thats is being composed and written as i write this....more on this exciting new development later...
the piece above is the first song written for the FILM. In time they will all be available in a store close to you :). I have big hopes on this guy and his band.
Monday, March 26, 2007
ideas, innovations and work

its been a whirlwind few days now. the film is inching towards completion, but there are still changes being made...but yes, its going to be ready soon...i think... :)
i cant seem to help it,considering i am going to be judged big time, until i make my next film.i really wanna give this the best shot i can...and i am growing in confidence everyday...anyways enough about me...the film is going to be ready soon.
so we are out of the world cup, i dont even have time to feel depressed about it. the weight of the film is getting heavier by the day.
everyone who has read this blog so far, must already know, how lucky i must get, when it comes to the release...
and thats why a lot of my time is also being spent trying to think of new and inventive ways to ensure proper publicity and a release of some sort...
and yes, i have some great ideas for it, which i will write about when the time is right...meanwhile a small mention to be made...confessions is now a '.com'. thats right....
you can also type in (confessions of a filmmaker)
you will be re-directed to the same blog, but a new website is going to come into existence very soon...
you will be able to access wallpapers,trailers,music from the film...and maybe one day even watch it!!...
but "for every technological decision...there is room for innovation" (my phraseology, i declare!)
...and i think me and some inventive folks i met today, might just create some news sooner or later in the web-world...
curious...i hope so...i am excited about some possibile realities....even if they are not really possible...
will keep you posted.
Thursday, March 22, 2007

Online edition of India's National Newspaper
Wednesday, Mar 21, 2007
Real into reel
Anish Kuruvilla is making a film based on his experience in the Telugu film industry
Anish Kuruvilla is known for his sharp analysis of the human mind and Telugu cinema. So when he has something new to say, people listen with rapt attention. A Malayali brought up in Hyderabad, Anish worked for over a decade in Hyderabad with filmmakers like Mani Sankar, Shekar Kammula and Nagesh Kukunoor. He is currently in news for making a film, Confessions of a filmmaker, based on his experience in the Telugu cinema industry.
Anish feels that the industry continues to unleash clichéd commercial films designed for stars keeping their image or iconic status in mind. "The clock has stopped somewhere, we can never make stories as long as stars demand that the film should revolve around them. These heroes play characters that make them get a better fan following. The producers, directors and all those connected with the film buckle under the system."
The audience has got used to mediocrity and has found comfort in familiarity, says Anish. "We have very little to be proud of as this is not a place for talented directors or those with a vision for good cinema. I want every educated person who values his time and money to analyse the film they watch and not be lazy to even react. We are watching these films because we have no choice."
Confessions of a filmmaker is not a campaign; it's a story of a director who is in the crossroads of his life and breaks down when the film he wants to make doesn't happen. He begins to look down and questions the system he has been with. He calls a cameraman to start shooting him because he thinks he has a lot to say and while he constructs a series of events, there begins a trip down the Telugu cinema industry. Anish says, "My vision is for a strong movement in the industry where people come forward because they have a story to tell and not because the star is waiting to become the hero of the story. We don't want icons. I don't want my son to grow up wanting to be a particular hero."
The movie is like any regular feature film - seventy percent has been shot in Telugu and the rest in English. It downplays the caste system and the star system around which the future of Telugu cinema revolves. So let's hope the censor clears the body of work, which is not only brutally honest but aims at inspiring young filmmakers to make a story for themselves. While his film might trigger controversies, it has so far sparked the thought process of many.
Monday, March 19, 2007
feeling good

yeah, although the weekend was spent in doubt and depression over my movie, facing questions like, why the fuck did i make it? everyone is going to hate it? why didnt i simply make a comedy? i dont know why i made what i made? this is trash! whats the use!i dont know what to do with this! etc etc.
well that was the dark weekend behind me, as i confronted those issues, i came out feeling better last night. my climax looks great, a couple of troublesome scenes look like they will work somehow...hmm...a simple scene now looks cooler...a complex scene now looks simpler and more hard hitting....yeah i am happy...
actually no matter what the end result...its fucking original.
just thought i'd write that down for today...
i love this world....and the people in it. :)
Friday, March 16, 2007
the new promo link
hi guys, i was having a lot of quality issues. thats why i delayed the link. the one you guys watched was taken off later..
anyways this is the best we could do,it will be a better watching experience..
grading is taking more time than we thought...sigh.
anyways this is the best we could do,it will be a better watching experience..
grading is taking more time than we thought...sigh.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
2nd trailer coming up
my second trailer should be up and running around midnight. around 3 hours from now. will log back in later to provide the link.
ciao for now.
ciao for now.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
guess what?

i have always wanted to share the stage with the likes of anurag kashyap and sudhir mishra.
and i have gone ahead and done just that.
i will be now also writing on a website called, which has some amazing talent writing on their site.i've just finished writing my first post.
to look for me, check under the pictures of sudhir mishra and anurag kashyap...not to mention hansal mehta and sourab narang.
wasnt i just talking about publicity the other night, well i dont know about that. but atleast i get to talk to millions. this is the single most terrific thing to have happened to me since making on and discover this amazing website.
i am trying not to scream with delight....
publicity blues

ok officialy i have no support or clue of any sort to publicize my movie. and thats killing me man. shit,fuck. why does anyone need to publicize their picture anyways??...
considering the film is 'okayed' by the censors...i wish all i had to do was to rent a movie hall for one show and see how it goes..
sigh..yeah i know i am not making sense. but just the thought that i must now try and work on the publicity of this film is mind numbing. i have been meeting a few press agents and all...and some of them have some ideas up their sleeve...i guess i must get into it somehow or the other...
i've got a few interviews lined up with newspapers...but the thought of meeting them and having something to say....urrrgggghhh...dunno, somehow dis-concerting...
i have to dissect and explain my film...communicate...well enough to set the right kind of expectations for my film. you know, i was telling this to someone one day...publicity right or not about just making sure everyone's heard about your film....and its not about creating over expectations et al...
publicity i think, 1)has to create the right set of expectations about the film for the right kind of people.
2)never stretch too far from the set demographic audience you have in mind,its also a waste of precious time,money and effort.yeah.
well i am writing all of this down really for myself you know...thats what i have been thinking about mostly today...
I WISH IT WAS SOMETHING I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO..SOMETHING I'D ENJOY....SHIT WHY AM I WRITING IN CAPS...forget it i cant re-write all of this... do i do this? i remember not doing anything for 'dollar dreams'. we just booked a hall and people came in...times have changed since then huh? yeah. does one do this...especially for a film that can so easily be dismissed as pretentious,arrogant and selfish...
i am none of that in real life..but i have been told my film is like that...hmm...well..well...well...
just came back from a show of nishabd...didnt like was almost empty...cant imagine why rgv made the film...but anyways...atleast he got enough publicity huh? he gets soooooo much for all his matter whether they work or not....he gets a high recall value on all his films...pretty neat huh? yeah...something in me, suddenly said i should be showing my film to him...
atleast i know it'll get all the publicity it'll ever need. got his no: anyone? :)
Saturday, March 10, 2007
an update

the dub of the film is finally done. the film has been dubbed twice over, the first dub of the film,i felt was too elite'sh,too englishy all the way through.
i've corrected that....and so my sound engineer who doesnt understand a word of english, finally understood the film he's been working on for so many weeks. and he, ahem...he loves it!
with this done, i just have to wait for the sound effects guy to do his magic, and he's promised me that'll deliver the output next week. maybe wed'day.
so this means i start my final mix around thurs'day next. and that will take 2 days to get saturday...if my colour grading work is done on time, without any hitches, the edit studio can deliver me a first cut of my sunday! the 18th of march!....
i hope it happens like i think it could. 18th of march...hmm..
if i dont meet this deadline,it means either the effects guy screwed up...or the colour grading is taking a lot of system time...hmm...
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
happy days are here again...

sekhars new movie is starting tomorrow...
"a new movie is being made"..."yeah, lets make a film today"...."yes, its time to make a movie"...
the puja will start at 5am after which everyone will assemble on the sets, far from hyd city....
yeah its that time of the year...a movie is being made...
something about the morning before making a movie, reminds me of countless...yes countless emotions...
i know the ups and downs, the highs and lows, the anger and frustration, the happiness and satisfaction, the constipation and the acidity, the this and the that etc etc...
there's a feeling of deja vu...a certain sense of apprehensive anticipation...
akin to a trip down a giant wheel, something you so look forward to...something your'e scared and excited about at the same time...
thats what it feels like...
something changes...something permanent...every film experience is life changing...godavari was for me...and thats why 'confessions' happened and i feel 'happy days' is happening for a reason too...perhaps solely because of 'godavari'...but i dont know how sekhar feels...
i hope and pray for him, his family and his friends....that this will be the movie, nay, 'child' which will do him 'proudest'.
everytime a director calls 'cut and print'...he's pretty much determining his fate...sometimes for life.
this should be the film, that'll remain his antidote for life.
the post should end with the above sentence...but no...i have a poem..i think..let me see...wait, maybe a couple of lines.
"as the sun rises, so does hope...
as the dawn clears, so do thoughts..
as the light flickers, the doubts fade...
as the camera whirls, the action begins...
and when its time to call 'cut'....its a 'slice' of life"
here's to sekhar,and the cast and crew of 'happy days'.
Sunday, March 04, 2007

yeah that article did set some emotions afloat. its been mixed. while i was shocked when i first read it, i sort of settled down later on.
more than anything, i started asking myself what this film is about? why it had to be made? what will it do? what have i really done?
its not like ramya reddy got those thought process going, i was thinking about it, but sort of left it on the backburner to focus on more pressing issues like getting the film ready.
i'm not afraid of my film. thats a strange statement to make huh? but yeah, i think your own creations sometimes could scare you...
you have to defend it through shit and all...i mean, i can understand young fathers better now :) just kidding.
what have i made a film? no wait i wont answer that. instead i will say, i made a film which is sooooooooo much like me, its not even funny. i cant get over that myself. its so much me, all the way through and JUST LIKE I WANTED it. and i am very proud of it.
biddu log and especially siraj, thanks for those wonderful hilarious comments you left for ramya. i laughed so much,my back still hurts.
at a time like this,i think of those long summers or late nights spent with you biddu log....
i remember a snapshot of images...actually a druggy-dodogy poem...
those never ending nights...
i was staring at closed shutters,i had closed thoughts.
i was on empty roads,with empty thoughts.
i'd watch a stray looking up with hope,my eyes would tear for no reason.
those never ending nights...
street lights reflecting dreams hung in the air, as my heart thuds with the uncertainity of the next day....
the uncertainity of life.
oh my heart would cry out then as i turned to go home, for the sweet comfort of the cradle....
well something like that, i'm too impatient to write anymore.
Friday, March 02, 2007

February 27th, 2007 by Ramya Reddy
Suppose you have a son who is aged 20 years. One fine day you catch him while he is smoking a cigar on the terrace. Will you just warn him to quit smoking or will you pull him to the road and and make a menace? Everything depends on your sense. If I was the father i would warn my son not to smoke and explain him why not to do that. Here, not exactly the same scenario but something similar to that.
Anish Kurivilla who is a close friend of Sekhar Kammula since 1999,wanted to be in the news for no good reason. He did a blunder and wanted to show the world as if he did a wonder. Yes,you are guessed it right, I am talking about his directional debut “Confessions of a film-maker”. I happend to see the most filthiest trailer in tollywood till date. I just cant bear the last 30 seconds of the trailor. I dont know what this inarticulate fellow want to prove.
Moreover he is claming that “It was more of his state of mind over last few years”. So I came to a conclusion after seeing his D grade trailor, that he is challenged severly and he is in a desperate need of a shock treatment. He also claimed that he is into business for more than 10 years,so he knows the business better hence he can show the world what his personal point of view is. Agreed,as an Indian citizen he got every right to express his feelings, but not in the flithiest way.
Anish, afterall you are a 10 year old kid in the business, there are legends who are into business for more than 30 years.Want to know? One among them is Dr D RamaNaidu, did he ever try to degrade the industry which gave him such name and wealth. Why you? I guess you wanted to show your existance in the industry by making such an insane movie.May be you are known only to a section of people in the industry,but you wanted to become famous in a fortnight. Right?
What is that trailer? If that reflects your state of mind,then you seriously must undergo physcological counselling. When you are into industry for more than 10 years, you must be aware of all the factors you must meet to release a film.Dont you know that there is one powerful hurdle “Censor board”? Are you confident that you will cross that hurdle? If not,why the hell you directed such a garbage.
If you are sure that your movie would cross the censor hurdle,well and fine.How will you promote the movie,with the same trailer what you have released now? What will be the genre of the movie? If your answer is “My personal view”, there is no such genre till date. What the heck you want to prove by using such D grade language in your video and name it as a movie.
DO u know what tollywood movies are? Do u know about the passion the people show for movies here?
Please dont do these kind of acts, which are harmful to our own tollywood. Faults are every where but a little comonsense must be used to point them out. Dont give a chance for the people to laugh at your attitude. Go get some life man !!
Dear Ramya,
I am unable to understand why you are so upset with my trailer.
I know, I understand. We are all gems in this industry, the producers,directors and actors have given us such sensible,well-meaning,responsible and good cinema.
No one and I mean certainly no one in any postion should even criticize or comment on their works of art. right?
WRONG,I WONT BE QUIET. I'm sorry you feel that way, but unlike you, who has the privilege of sitting in her room writing to me, I have worked my ass off in this place for years and I have seen success and failure at close quarters. You never need to agree with me. Heck you dont even need to see my film. Dont watch it, heck it may not even be released.But I will make sure everyone and anyone who wants to watch it, will.
Criticize me then....abuse me then...say whatever...but watch my film and comment.
Yes whether you like it or not, the industry is not a bed of roses, nor are the people running it some prophets. And I will stand up and I will show my film to the world.
My film may not fall into any genre...then call it a campaign. A campaign for more responsibilty by stars,producers,writers and directors. I cant see how a cause like that can be criticized.
And as to why I should use the 'D' world. Let me tell you...
watch the film and you will understand the context.
Look Ramya, this film and trailer is not meant for people who are content with the state of telugu cinema...
I will never be able to connect with you at all.
But I am confident it will connect to a 100 in a million and I am content with that. This film is for them...
not for Ramya reddy or her filmy duniya.
lets all clap our hands as ramya's kids sing -"jinkaka jinka jinka jinka ka ka", complete with hand moments. after all these are songs played out by our revered stars, our revered producers and our revered directors, right kid?
meanwhile for those wishing to see the trailer. (i know cinefolks will remove it anyways, you can watch an uncensored one on idlebrain)or..
and for those who want to understand the genesis of this film, read my blog
Regards and see you @my cinema.
Anish Kuruvilla
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